Webster Mechanical Engineering (WME) provides forensic investigations of property loss incidents involving plumbing, hydronic, and process piping failures, plumbing fixture malfunctions, freeze damage, and sewage backup.

WME provides:

  • On-site and laboratory examinations and testing of piping systems, plumbing fixtures, pumps, and water utilizing appliances (clothes washers, dish washers, water heaters, commercial coffee makers, ice makers, etc.) to determine the cause of the loss, whether due to freeze damage, product deficiency, improper installation, operator error, physical abuse, or wear and tear issues.
  • Examination of piping systems subjected to freeze damage include thorough examinations of the piping system as well as the building’s construction, heating systems, insulation, air infiltration rates, utility fuel usage; and reviews of local weather data to determine the conditions that led to the freeze damage incident.

Our principal engineer’s pre-professional experience as a master plumber, as well as his professional experience as a plumbing design engineer gives him a vast knowledge of plumbing systems and components. His subsequent years as a forensic investigator provides a depth of empirical data applicable to piping system losses.