Webster Mechanical Engineering (WME) provides forensic investigations in the areas of design, manufacture, installation, maintenance, and operation of solid fuel fired equipment involved in residential, commercial, and industrial structure fires. Solid fuel includes coal, charcoal, wood, saw dust, and wood pellets used as a fuel to create heat, light or energy. Solid fuel fired equipment includes boilers, furnaces, fireplaces, fireplace inserts, heating stoves, commercial cooking equipment, and their associated chimneys, flues, and ductwork. The investigations of solid fuel fired equipment are based on:

  • NFPA 211 Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances
  • UL 127 Factory Built Fireplaces
  • UL 103 Factory Built Chimneys for Residential Type and Building Heating Appliances
  • UL 959 Medium Heat Appliance Factory Built Chimneys
  • UL 2561 1400 Degree Fahrenheit Factory Built Chimneys
  • UL 1777 Chimney Liners
  • CIMA C-1015 Standard Practice for Installation of Cellulose and Mineral Fiber Loose Fill Thermal Insulation

WME conducts on-site and laboratory examinations of solid fuel fired equipment and components involved in residential, commercial, and industrial fires. The on-site examinations include documentation of the solid fuel fired equipment, chimney, and components; evaluation of the condition and assembly of the solid fuel fired equipment, chimney, duct assemblies, and components; documentation and evaluation of the adjacent building construction and clearance to adjacent building materials; documentation and evaluation of the fuel source and usage prior to and at the time of the loss; and documentation of recent changes to the equipment or structure.

Laboratory examinations include the destructive disassembly of the solid fuel fired equipment, components, and chimney assemblies involved in the loss to verify or refute the origin of the fire.