Looking for a forensic mechanical engineer? The first questions you should ask are “how complicated is my project? or “how much is at stake?”
There are many forensic engineering firms that claim to be experts at everything from automobile accident reconstruction to work place accidents. The truth is they usually have a small core of qualified engineers that specialize in specific types of losses that their company builds its reputation upon. The rest or their business is fill-in work to make their bottom line look good.
Can you risk hiring an engineer qualified in accident reconstruction to investigate a complex boiler failure loss?
WME specializes on mechanical building system failures only. WME doesn’t investigate electrical losses. WME doesn’t investigate structural losses. WME doesn’t do accident reconstruction.
WME is focused on mechanical building system failures. When you retain WME, you retain Jack Webster, a Professional Engineer with years of experience in plumbing, piping, boilers, hvac, gas explosions, solid fuel fired equipment, and commercial kitchen equipment failures. When you call WME, you will be able to discuss your loss directly with Jack Webster; and you will know that Jack Webster will be the engineer that shows up at the loss location.
During his entire working career, Jack Webster has been involved with mechanical building systems in one form or another. He has witnessed the technical evolution of the various mechanical building systems over the years, and he understands how they work. But more importantly, he understands how they are required to work in accordance with the relevant codes and standards. Few forensic engineers can match his level of knowledge on mechanical building system failures.
When you retain Jack Webster for mechanical building system failures, you can be assured you have a highly qualified expert on your project.